About me

I’m a first year Ph.D student in Computer Science at Dartmouth College, fortunate to be advised by Prof. Soroush Vosoughi. My current research interest lies in various aspects of the interpretability of CV and NLP models. My goal is to design and develop intrinsic interpretable alogrithms for AI. Before Dartmouth, I was a Master student in Statistical Science at Duke University. I was a member of the Duke Interpretable Machine Learning Lab advised by Prof. Cynthia Rudin, and collaborated with Prof. Chaofan Chen from UMaine. Even before, I did my B.S. (with honors) at Carnegie Mellon University majored in Statistics with concentration in Computational Finance, and I was working with Prof. Zach Branson on statistical analysis applications in Biology.


Duke Decison 618/521: Decision Analytics and Modeling TA: Fall 2021
Duke CS 617: Introduction to Machine Learning TA: Fall 2022
Dartmouth COSC 070: Foundations of Applied Computer Science TA: Fall 2023


Reviewer: AAAI-AISI track 2023, TMLR 2024, ICML 2024