- B.S. in Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University, 2021
- M.S. in Statistical Science, Duke University, 2023
- Ph.D in Computer Science, Dartmouth College, 2028 (expected)
Work experience
- Summer 2022: Research Assistant
- Atriumn Health
- Duties included: Implement averaging images algorithm on patients Hernia CT image and build a 7 layered mixed value CNN to successfully identify symptomatic and non-symptomatic hernia with .74 AUC. Build a 5 layer CNN with a pre-trained 4 layer FNN and learnable linear interpolation to predict on recurrence rate of Hernia using pre-operative CT images, arguing that some basic demographic information is more meaningful than the CT scan itself when predicting the recurrence rate.
- Supervisor: Todd Heniford
- Summer 2021: Machine Learning Intern
- Blep Analytics
- Duties included: Using public API to gather the historical daily price, open value, and the trading volume of Bitcoin Performed ACF, PACF, and Ljung-Box test to determine the suitable model for the volatility of Bitcoin daily log return. Conducted Model comparison and diagnostics to choose the suitable parameters for the ARMA-GARCH model Used the suitable ARMA-GARCH model to make prediction on the future Bitcoin volatility Confirm the prediction on volatility with the Long Short-Term Memory Model Collaborated with colleagues to finish a report on the volatility of Bitcoin daily log return
- Supervisor: Allie Zhang